Saturday 16 May 2009


Nudism is becoming more and more popular nowadays. It is not only an idea on imaginative holidays but there are a lot of people who treat it as a lifestyle. Also nudism is more popular because it feels right, the longtime nudist said, and the only thing stopping it is a prudery. I found a sentence that took my fancy : Being nude is fun and healthy. After all we were all born nudists. Nudism promotes body acceptance, self-confidence and freedom.

It can be strange but there are a nudism commercial in TV.

A nudist community (or in Europe, naturist community) is a group of nudists or naturists who choose to live together on a permanent basis where there is no clothing. The term nudist colony was once a term for nudist communities, especially among non-nudists, but is eschewed by most nudists/naturists due to negative connotations that became associated with the term. There are two objections to the term: the term nudist is not used by European naturists - it connotes a lack of the family-oriented cooperative philosophy, though this connotation does not seem to apply in North America, and the word colony is politically connected with imperialism and authoritarianism. It is different in francophone communities. In France, many communes invested in landed sites by the sea for summer recreation both by adults and children. These were named "colonie des vacances". Most French school children would spend a week a more each summer at a colonie, which are in many ways analogous to the American summer camp. The international links within naturism explain how the term arose.

I found intetresting move showing nudist resort :)

A few isolated societies have retained from ancient times a customary life with little or no clothing. They are mostly in the Amazon basin, sub-Saharan Africa, and New Guinea. These few peoples still manage to avoid ongoing efforts to force them to cover themselves, with or without further cultural assimilation.

Here I found a part of the TV show about nudists :) Have FAN!


  1. hahah good jokes about nudes recruting new YOUNGER members :P
    My common sense tells me that nudism is nothing bad, we actually are born naged and our ancesters would run naked, Indians live almost naked, so why do we feel so unconfortable when some people go back to their roots? I think it's becasue people started to get cold and than got dressed and since then we think that wearing clothes is not only neccesery becasue of low temperature but also because it's psychologically needed.
    Also it has to be mentioned that most of the people do what the majority does, so if there was a sudden breakthrough and majority would get naked, all the rest would fallow. It's just the matter of what we are used to.

  2. personally I don't believe in this whole "back to the roots" thing. These people in the second movie were so awfully faking, now THAT was unnatural. Clothes were invented along with the evolution, dropping them on every occasion would be like denying the electricity. Besides, what fun is it to look at naked people over and over again? A few decades ago a woman showing her ankle was sexually abusing every man in vicinity. Now it no longer moves anybody. Imagine what it would be like if everyone just started running around naked?

  3. I treat nudism as just one of those off-streams, when people seek a way to be different from the majority. As long as they don't impose me their presence on other people let them be as they want to be if this kind of lifestyle makes them happy.
    I agree that maybe sometimes we are to much bound by conventions but all this nudism idea just doesn't get to me.

  4. I don't know what should I think about nudism. I can't imagine why some people want to show their bodies on the beach. I can't see any reason. View of the nudist beach is realy alwul for usual person, becouse majority of nudists are old and overweigh. When you are naked shame is a natural thing. On the other hand nudism isn't bad for society. If they are on special beaches, they don't disturb anybody. Nudism can become a kind of lifestyle, escape from the grey reality:)I claim, that if somebody feel free without clothes, he or she should drop them on (but only in the special places)

  5. Really nice presentation, but it's a pity that we couldn't see some... real nekedness ;)
    I'm afraid that nudism wouldn't be a good way of life for me. I'm really shy and I can't imagine how people can show their bodies without any mortification...

  6. Nudism is very personal thing but cannot exist out off public space. Personally, I don't have nothing against it! I think human body is in general very beautiful. If there are people brave enough to show in public, specially oriented for them, I absolutely don't mind it.

  7. I agree with beetle :) For someone nudism could be the best way of act out their personality but for me is very strange! I work in a shop with clothes that's why I love clothes and I always wear it. Nudism is not for me! :)

  8. I understand that people have different needs. Nudism is way of life, a kind of philosophy. Maybe people are expressing thier personality being nudist. Personally i`m not a nudist, i don`t even support this kind of movement. I`m tolerant thowards these people as long as they don`t show thier naked bodies to people that don`t want to watch them.

  9. I'm not supporter of nudism. I can't imagine how people can being for example at the beach naked among other naked persons and don't feel embarassed. It's very strange for me and - like Joanna - I don't belive in concept of returning to nature, too. But I'm tolerant and if that things did't take place in public space it's ok.
