Tuesday 28 April 2009


Animal communication, and indeed the understanding of the animal world in general, is a rapidly growing field, and even in the 21st century so far, many prior understandings related to diverse fields long thought to be well understood, have been revolutionized. One of those fields is use of body language in animal communication.

As body language can be observed among majority of the species we can see it most easily observing our own pets.

Cats may seem inscrutable, but they actually tell quite a lot by their body language. Of course, everyone knows that a cat purrs when she's happy and contented. Also, it's well known that a fearful cat's hair will stand on end as she arches her back. What you might not know is that when a cat is feeling fearful, defensive, or nervous, other body language behaviors happen as well. Her ears might twitch or flatten against her head. Her eyes will dilate. If she is merely upset about something, she will whip her tail around frantically. If you stare at your cat, you can expect a certain type of body language in return. She will stop moving altogether. Then, she will alternately look at you and away. However, if and only if your cat trusts you completely, she will go to sleep with you in the room. She might even greet you by curling her tail around your legs. If she rubs against your legs, though, she probably wants something. She is trying to tell you by body language that she needs to be fed or needs her litter box to be changed, for example. If your cat is confident and/or aggressive, she will narrow her pupils to slits. Her ears will stand up. Her rear will push up and her tail will go low. She will walk sideways to appear larger. This body language is reserved mostly for other animals.

Most dogs will prefer to be in a submissive relationship with their owner, or master. To show this through body language, they will lie on their back and show their belly. This is active submission. In passive submission, they come eagerly toward the master with their tail wagging loosely. Beware, though, if the dog is staring at you and his tail is wagging stiffly. His bark will not be a friendly one. This body language means that the dog feels dominant and aggressive in the situation. If he lifts his lips and shows his teeth, he's not necessarily going to bite you. He may just be trying to scare you off by showing by his body language what could happen if you don't back off. If you want to avoid this, approach the dog with your palms up. This shows the dog trust. If you approach with palms down, your body language is showing dominance, and you could be in trouble.

Other domesticated animals also show some form of body language. Rabbits can get angry and show it by hissing. They will drum with their feet if they are feeling scared. To use body language to let you know that they are hungry, they will go so far as pushing their bowls around with their noses.

It is important to note that whilst many gestures and actions have common, stereotypical meanings, researchers regularly seem to find that animal communication is often more complex and subtle than previously believed, and that the same gesture may have multiple distinct meanings depending on context and other behaviors. So generalizations such as "X means Y" are often, but not always domestic dog's tail wag may be used in subtly different ways to convey many meanings including:

  • Excitement
  • Anticipation
  • Playfulness
  • Contentment/enjoyment
  • Relaxation or anxiety
  • Questioning another animal or a human as to intentions

  • Tentative role assessment on meeting another animal
  • Reassurance ("I'm hoping to be friendly, are you?")
  • Brief acknowledgment ("I hear you")
  • Statement of interest ("I want that (food/toy/activity)")
  • Uncertainty/apprehension
  • Submissive placation (if worried by a more dominant animal)

Combined with other body language, in a specific context, many gestures such as yawns, direction of vision, and so on all convey meaning. Thus statements that a particular action "means" something should always be interpreted to mean "often means" something.

A lot can be learned about animals by being aware of their body language. You can stay safe around the animals you come across. More importantly, you can learn to better care of the animals you know and better understanding of the animal world around us in general.

What is your opinion on the use we can make of knowing the body language of animals?

Have you ever observed your pet?

Does it have any characteristic body language signs?

Materials (photos) all viewed on 27.04.09:

Monday 27 April 2009

Body language

Understanding body language

The technique of 'reading' people is used frequently. For example, the idea of mirroring body language to put people at ease is commonly used in interviews. It sets the person being interviewed at ease. Mirroring the body language of someone else indicates that they are understood.

Body language signals may have a goal other than communication. Both people would keep this in mind. Observers limit the weight they place on non-verbal cues. Signalers clarify their signals to indicate the biological origin of their actions.

  • One of the most basic and powerful body-language signals is when a person crosses his or her arms across the chest. This can indicate that a person is putting up an unconscious barrier between themselves and others. It can also indicate that the person's arms are cold which would be clarified by rubbing the arms or huddling. When the overall situation is amicable, it can mean that a person is thinking deeply about what is being discussed. But in a serious or confrontational situation, it can mean that a person is expressing opposition. This is especially so if the person is leaning away from the speaker. A harsh or blank facial expression often indicates outright hostility.
  • Consistent eye contact can indicate that a person is thinking positively of what the speaker is saying. It can also mean that the other person doesn't trust the speaker enough to "take his eyes off" the speaker. Lack of eye contact can indicate negativity. On the other hand, individuals with anxiety disorders are often unable to make eye contact without discomfort. Eye contact is often a secondary and misleading gesture because we are taught from an early age to make eye contact when speaking. If a person is looking at you but is making the arms-across-chest signal, the eye contact could be indicative that something is bothering the person, and that he wants to talk about it. Or if while making direct eye contact a person is fiddling with something, even while directly looking at you, it could indicate the attention is elsewhere. Also there are three standard areas that a person will look which represent different states of being. If the person looks from one eye to the other then to the forehead it is a sign that they are taking an authoritative position. If they move from one eye to the other then to the nose, that signals that they are engaging in what they consider to be a "level conversation" with neither party holding superiority. The last case is from one eye to the other and then down to the lips. This is a strong indication of romantic feelings.
  • Disbelief is often indicated by averted gaze, or by touching the ear or scratching the chin. When a person is not being convinced by what someone is saying, the attention invariably wanders, and the eyes will stare away for an extended period.[1]
  • Boredom is indicated by the head tilting to one side, or by the eyes looking straight at the speaker but becoming slightly unfocused. A head tilt may also indicate a sore neck or Amblyopia, and unfocused eyes may indicate ocular problems in the listener.
  • Interest can be indicated through posture or extended eye contact.
  • Deceit or the act of withholding information can sometimes be indicated by touching the face during conversation. Excessive blinking is a well-known indicator of someone who is lying.

It should be noted that some people (e.g., people with certain disabilities, or those on the autistic spectrum) use and understand body language differently, or not at all. Interpreting their gestures and facial expressions (or lack thereof) in the context of normal body language usually leads to misunderstandings and misinterpretations (especially if body language is given priority over spoken language). It should also be stated that people from different cultures can interpret body language in different ways.

Examples list

  • Put your hands on your knees: indicates readiness.
  • Put your hands on your hips: indicates impatience.
  • Lock your hands behind your back: indicates self-control.
  • Lock your hands behind your head: states superiority.
  • Sitting putting a leg over the arm of the chair: suggests indifference.
  • Legs and feet pointed to a particular direction: the direction where more interest is felt

How prevalent is non-verbal communication in humans?

Some researchers put the level of nonverbal communication as high as 80 percent of all communication. More reasonably it could be at around 50-65 percent. Different studies have found differing amounts, with some studies showing that facial communication is believed 4.3 times more often than verbal meaning, and another finding that verbal communication in a flat tone is 4 times more likely to be understood than a pure facial expression. Albert Mehrabian is noted for finding a 7%-38%-55% rule, supposedly denoting how much communication was conferred by words, tone, and body language. However he was only referring to cases of expressing feelings or attitudes, such as when a person says "I do not have a problem with you!" when people commonly focus on the tone of voice, and body language of the person, rather than the actual words said. It is a common misconception that these percentages apply to all communication.[3]

Body language in groups

In groups there is typically one person speaking at a time but many more can be showing their responses via body language [4]. This may be an important reason behind groups tending to be more emotional and less rational than individuals.

Personal space

Generally, if you are closer than arm’s reach, then you are in someone’s personal space. To create more space in crowded areas such as elevators and bars, people often tense up and use their arms as protection. They will hold them close to their body – often crossed – and will also avoid eye contact. People guard their intimate space passionately, wherever it is, and do not appreciate others invading it. Respecting people’s intimate space involves not invading it with objects like bags or jackets, or with body parts, unless they are welcomed. Intimate space is closer than 50 centimeters (1½ feet), social is from 50 cm to 1.5 meters (1½ to 5 feet), and casual (for strangers) is from 1½ to 3 meters (5 to 10 feet). These distances differ from culture to culture; in China for example, they are smaller.

Female interest and body language

Women commonly display interest in men via sexual cues. These serve to entice men to approach them. Some of the cues to signal female interest include: the parade, echoing and mirroring, room encompassing glance, pointing, leg crossing, the pointing knee, neck touching, head tilt, shoulder shrugs, rotation of the pelvis, showing wrists, skirt hike, laughing and smiling, the tap, forehead bow, eye contact, touching, childlike playfulness and proximity to name many. Women also demonstrate clear physiological cues when sexually interested such as pupil dilation and chest flushing.

Rule of four

The rule of four states that in order to be sure that another person is unequivocally displaying non-verbal sexual interest, four connection positive symbols must be present and they must have imminent direction. A person who is simply sexually aroused might display one or a great variety of cues, but they might be generally directed toward a room and not at anyone specifically.

Unintentional gestures

Recently, there has been huge interest in studying human behavioral clues that could be useful for developing an interactive and adaptive human-machine system. Unintentional human gestures such as making an Eye Rub, a Chin Rest, a Lip Touch, a Nose Itch, a Head Scratch, an Ear Scratch, and a Finger Lock have been found conveying some useful information in specific context. Some researchers have tried to extract such gestures in a specific context of educational applications.

Examples Of Body Language

Brisk, erect walk Confidence
Standing with hands on hips Readiness, aggression
Sitting with legs crossed, foot kicking slightly Boredom
Sitting, legs apart Open, relaxed
Arms crossed on chest Defensiveness
Walking with hands in pockets, shoulders hunched Dejection
Hand to cheek Evaluation, thinking
Touching, slightly rubbing nose Rejection, doubt, lying
Rubbing the eye Doubt, disbelief
Hands clasped behind back Anger, frustration, apprehension
Locked ankles Apprehension
Head resting in hand, eyes downcast Boredom
Rubbing hands Anticipation
Sitting with hands clasped behind head, legs crossed Confidence, superiority
Open palm Sincerity, openness, innocence
Pinching bridge of nose, eyes closed Negative evaluation
Tapping or drumming fingers Impatience
Steepling fingers Authoritative
Patting/fondling hair Lack of self-confidence; insecurity
Tilted head Interest
Stroking chin Trying to make a decision
Looking down, face turned away Disbelief
Biting nails Insecurity, nervousness
Pulling or tugging at ear Indecision


by Dr. Joyce M. Knudsen

She walks into a room and five people run up to greet her. She’s not as qualified as you, but she gets the job. She’s not that smart or attractive, but she always seems to be sought after for business lectures.

♦ How does she do it?

♦ She has charm. She has the ability to draw people to her. She has an attitude about herself, about others and about the world. People like to be around her because she makes them feel good. With her positive outlook, helping nature, friendliness, energy and caring for others, she is a winner.

♦ Body language includes movements of a part of the body, such as a nod of the head or a raising of the eyebrows and movement of the entire body, such as overall body tension or jumping up and down. It is not always easy to precept different meanings of body language because this involves interpretation. If someone came into our office and was frowning you might interpret that they are in a bad mood, but the look could be totally unintentional.

♦ The study of body motion, kinesics, involves the study of body movements in communication. It is estimated that the verbal part of a conversation carries less than 35% of the social meaning of the conversation. Sixty-five percent is carried by nonverbal messages.

This is what makes understanding nonverbal communication so important.

♦ Body movements and positions can be considered either reflexive (involuntary) or nonreflexive (voluntary. One reflexive motion is pupil dilation. Dr. Edward H. Hess explained to a kinesics convention that clinical studies have shown that the pupil unconsciously widens when the eye sees something pleasant, exciting or arousing. Nonreflexive body language can be much more difficult to interpret.


Body language differs amongst cultures. In England, if you cross your fingers, you are saying, “OK” but in the United States, you are saying “good luck”.

A good example of trying to fake a gesture and how it is not effective is:

Look at a picture of yourself when you were genuinely smiling and compare it to when you had to pose for one. The reason that we tend to believe outstanding political leaders, brilliant actors, top trial lawyers and super salespeople is because of the fact that they believe in themselves and this will come through in their non-verbal communication. constricted pupils,pulling away,lack of eye contact,Negative Signals.


♦ Become aware of the way you speak and gesture. Exhibit good posture.
♦ Become aware of your mannerisms and nervous habits.
♦ Become aware of your handshake.
♦ Become aware of your eye contact.
♦ Become aware of how you communicate.
♦ Be natural . . . behave from the soul.


• The fewer hand and body gestures you make the more powerful and intelligent you appear to be.

• People who speak in a lower tone and those who speak slowly are perceived as being more powerful and believable.

• Leaders and powerful people take up more space than others do. They tend to lean slightly forward with their arms and legs relaxed and slightly spread. By taking up more space they appear to take charge.

• The person whose eye level is highest is usually perceived as the leader. People turn to address that person first.

• Smiling makes you seem friendly and more attractive.


Dr. Joyce M. Knudsen is known for two specialties: (1) International Home Study Certification Program for Image Consultants, Worldwide. (2) As a Certified Behavioral and Values Analyst she provides assessments on personal lifestyle development, DiSC Classic, DiSC General Characteristics, Time Mastery, Indra, Team Dimensions and so much more. Dr. Knudsen is the author of six books on the subject of self-image, a distinguished IMMIE Recipient, honored with the Award of Excellence for Education and was the very first Master Status Member (highest level of achievement) of The Association of Image Consultants, International.

Experience powerful new skills in dressing for success, business etiquette and social skills. You can read more about Dr. Knudsen on her web site at http://www.imagemaker1.com and you can test yourself to excellence on http://www.testingforexcellence.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Dr._Joyce_Knudsen

Body Language - What Are They Really Saying?
By Clare Evans

When we communicate with someone we will be doing so on a number of levels, not just the words that we use - tone of voice and body language are also important factors in non-verbal communication.

Eye contact - is one of the most powerful means of communication after words. It can be direct or indirect, long-lasting or short and more usually intermittent when talking to someone in normal conversation. Staring or holding eye contact for too long can make people feel uncomfortable and is unsettling. Appropriate eye contact is important for effective communication. People who like or feel comfortable with each other engage in eye contact more frequently. People who avoid eye contact are likely to be feeling uncomfortable, guilty or embarrassed.

Face - next on the list after the eyes. This is one of the first features we notice. By looking at someone's face we can read their emotion. Small gestures like the eyebrow flash happen almost subconsciously when we greet people we are pleased to see or who we know. A smile can also work wonders when greeting someone for the first time. It can also be used to calm and help people to feel at ease. A genuine smile lights up the whole face including the eyes, a forced or nervous smile tends to stay around the mouth. Where someone looks when you talk to them can tell you which side of the brain they're accessing and if they're a visual, auditory or kinetic person.

Posture - has a lot to say about how a person feels about themselves and the person they're with. Are they leaning in towards each other or away from each other? Mirroring someone's posture is a good way to create rapport and will happen naturally in some situations. Try it out but don't make it too obvious or it can be off-putting. What is the posture of someone who feels confident? How does someone sit/stand when they feel threatened or fearful? If you have to give a presentation and feel nervous - adopt a posture of confidence and think yourself into a positive mode. See what a difference it makes.

Hand gestures - particularly at the moment, we are exposed to the carefully managed gestures of politicians when giving their pre-election speeches. The use of hand gestures can be another interesting aspect of body language that show attitudes and emotions. An open palm signifies sincerity, openness. Steepling of the fingers is seen as authoritative, or used during negotiation when considering a proposal. Tapping or drumming the fingers shows impatience. Touching the face indicates thinking, the hair insecurity and the ears indecision.

Personal space - everyone has their own sense of personal space that we carry around with us. We should be aware of this personal space so that we don't invade someone's personal space uninvited. Invading someone's personal space can seem threatening and the person will move away to a more comfortable distance. In crowded situations personal space is greatly reduced and other factors will come into account such as avoidance of eye contact and the use of defensive postures.

Body contact - the handshake is the most recognised form of body contact and used in greetings and farewells. A firm handshake is preferred in both men and women. A weak handshake shows either ineffectiveness, insincerity or reluctance. Bone crusher handshakes on the other hand are seen as aggressive or overly dominant. People brought up where body contact is a normal part of family life tend to be more positive and open than those with less. Always be aware and observe what is acceptable with an individual or for different cultures.

When interpreting body language you need to take into account all parts of the body. Changes in a person's ‘normal’ body language indicate a change in emotion or attitude. Don't assume that because someone has their arms crossed they are being defensive, perhaps they really are just cold! Look at all the different signals before interpreting the final message - at least three to four and know what’s normal for that person.

Fun Exercise: Watch people's body language when you're next in a position to observe. How close are they? How much eye contact is there? Can you tell if they know/like each other? Are they strangers or friends? See how much of the conversation you can guess from observing people's body language.

Saturday 25 April 2009

Street Art - Love it or hate it?

Everyone has an opinion on graffiti. On one hand it costs councils thousands of pounds every year to remove it from public property. However, for some, it's one of the greatest forms of modern art.

Modern Graffiti comes in many different forms, from the scrawled message in a public bathroom stall to the spray-painted murals boasted on subway walls. The simplest form of graffiti is scrawled message; “Sally loves Peter” or “James woz here.” Many regard these impromptu writings as vandalism, as they lack artistic merit, yet the point of graffiti is to send an expressive message to the reader, whether it is a political, social or personal view. Some graffiti is used as a territory marker, called "tagging". These can often be seen on street corners, street signs and suburban walls. It is simply a signature of the person who is laying claim to that area as being in their territory.

Stenciling is a popular form of modern graffiti, and is often used to convey political and social messages to the viewer in a pictorial form. A famous stenciling artist is Banksy, with his provocative and thought-provoking work that can be appreciated as more than just mere vandalism.

Graffitti artists commonly utilize spray paint as their medium, using different size nozzles to achieve broader or more precise lines. However, some graffiti artists choose to use brushes or sponges, sometimes combining all three in their artwork.
Modern graffitti does not require that a certain style is used. Cartoons, caricatures and portraits are often used to convey a message, with decorative text styles and interesting uses of perspective.

Modern graffiti is true street art, appearing overnight on walls, in subways and on buildings. Graffitti artists often paint their murals illegally, working under cover of darkness with a team of sentries to watch for law enforcers or pedestrians. Because of the controversial material contained in many murals, graffiti is now considered to be a form of resistance art, in rebellion against common public beliefs and government laws.

The ultimate achievement for many graffiti artists is to create their work in places that are dangerous to get to, or difficult to paint on. Spraying a piece on the side of a train, for example, is quite an achievement, as trains are often under close guard, and have a slick surface which causes the paint to run.

As with all genres of art, there are amazing graffiti artists, and those who attempt to be amazing, but fall far short of their goal, and end up being mere vandals

However, there is a lot of amazing graffiti out there, and many graffiti artists are now being commissioned to decorate buildings and offices. As an art form, it requires not only technical ability, to use the tools required.

Tuesday 21 April 2009



First it was a style of rock music typically characterized by melodic musicianship and expressive, often confessional lyrics., now it becomes a big subculture.

Refering to Wikipedia.org (to find more click here):
“Today emo is commonly tied to both music and fashion as well as an inspiration toward the emo subculture, and the term "emo" is sometimes stereotyped with tight jeans on males and females alike, long fringe (bangs) brushed to one side of the face or over one or both eyes, dyed black, straight hair, tight t-shirts (usually short-sleeved) which often bear the names of emo bands (or other designer shirts), studded belts, belt buckles, canvas sneakers or skate shoes or other black shoes and thick, black horn-rimmed glasses. This fashion has at times been characterized as a fad. Early on, emo fashion was associated with a clean cut look but as the style spread to younger teenagers, the style has become darker, with long bangs and emphasis on the colour black replacing sweater vest. In recent years the popular media have associated emo with a stereotype that includes being emotional, sensitive, shy, introverted, or angst-ridden. It is also associated with depression, self-injury, and suicide.”

I will try to show the most important EMO’s features. Let’s start!





Nowadays EMO style is criticized, as you can see in this funny picture:

AND YOU? What is you opinion about EMO music and EMO style?

http://img29.picoodle.com/img/img29/8/6/20/f_emo1m_4fa0f06.jpg, retrieved 21.04.2009
http://fryzuryemo.files.wordpress.com/2009/01/emo.jpg, retrieved 21.04.2009
http://przykra-klasa.pl/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/emo2.gif, retrieved 21.04.2009
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emo, retrieved 21.04.2009

Sunday 19 April 2009

Anxiety and depression among students

Depression and anxiety are prevalent problems among students. in the past 15 years, depression has doubled and suicide tripled, he said. According to a survey from the Anxiety Disorders Association of America(ADAA), universities and colleges also have seen an increase in students seeking services for anxiety disorders. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 75 percent of all individuals with an anxiety disorder will experience symptoms before age 22. students deal with a unique amount of stressors. Specifically, students experience many firsts, including new lifestyle, friends, roommates, exposure to new cultures and alternate ways of thinking. If students do not feel adequate or prepared to cope with the new environment of a college campus, they could easily become susceptible to depression and anxiety.


Depression is a medical condition that can affect a p
erson’s ability to work, study, interact with people or take care of themselves. The first episode of depression often appears during the young adult years. Many factors can contribute to the onset of depression, including the presence of other emotional disorders, stress, poor nutrition, physical illness, personal loss and relationship difficulties.


Depression isn’t always easy to spot.
It may be expressed through the abuse of drugs and alcohol; sexual promiscuity; or hostile, aggressive, and risk-taking behavior. Some people may experience primarily behavioral changes, some mainly emotional changes, and still others mostly physical changes.


  • Persistently sad, anxious, irritable or empty mood
  • Loss of interest in previously enjoyable activities, including sex
  • Withdrawal from friends and family
  • Trouble sleeping or sleeping too much
  • Feeling tired or rundown
  • Significant change in appetite and/or weight
  • Anger and rage
  • Overreaction to criticism
  • Feeling unable to meet expectations
  • Difficulty thinking, concentrating, remembering or making decisions
  • Feeling restless or agitated
  • Feelings of worthlessness, hopelessness, or guilt
  • Persistent physical symptoms such as headaches, digestive problems or chronic pain that do not respond to routine treatment
  • Substance abuse problems
  • Recurrent thoughts of death or suicide

Dealing with Depression

Medication and/or counseling can help. The majority (80-90%) of people who receive treatment for depression experience significant improvement, and almost all individuals gain some relief from their symptoms. However, if untreated, the symptoms of depression can last months to years if untreated. It is not uncommon for people who are depressed to think about suicide, and it is important to seek help immediately if you or someone you know is having these thoughts. If you think that you or someone you know may be depressed, contact your school’s health or counseling service.

Everyone feels anxious in certain situations, but anxiety disorders can make it difficult to function.

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety is a feeling of worry that can be a completely normal response to stress. However, it can also be out of proportion to what’s going on or be impossible to control. Anxiety can feel so overwhelming that a person’s ability to work, study, interact with people, or follow a daily routine is affected. Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illnesses.
Anxiety can be a real medical condition, developing from a complex set of biological and environmental factors, including genetics, biochemistry and traumatic life events. Generalized anxiety disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, panic disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder and phobias are all types of anxiety d isorders.


  • Intense episodes of fear or panic
  • Recurring nightmares
  • Avoidance of social situations
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Repeated, unwanted thoughts (obsessions)
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Upsetting, intrusive memories of a traumatic event
  • Physical symptoms such as nausea, stomach pain, rapid heart rate, muscle tension, sweating, shaking, dizziness, numbness, or difficulty breathing

20 tips to tame your stress
  1. Perform diaphragmatic or “deep breathing” exercises.
  2. Lie face down on the floor and begin breathing deeply and slowly, with your hands resting under your face. Do this for five minutes.
  3. Sit in a reclining chair. Put a hand on your abdomen and a hand on yo u r chest. As you breathe, make sure the hand on your abdomen is moving up and down rather than one on your chest. If the hand on your abdomen is moving you are breathing deeply and slowly.
  4. Try progressive or “deep muscle” relaxation. Progressively tense and relax each muscle group in your body. Learn the difference between muscle tension and relaxation.
  5. Meditate. Use visualization. Sit quietly with your eyes closed, imagining the sights, sounds and smells of your favorite place, such as a beach or mountain retreat.
  6. Exercise regularly or take up yoga.
  7. Consult a psychologist about the use of biofeedback.
  8. Make time for music, art or other hobbies that help relax and distract you.
  9. Learn to identify and monitor stressors. Come up with an organized plan for handling stressful situations. Be careful not to overgeneralize negative reactions to things.
  10. Make a list of the important things you need to handle each day. Try to follow the list so you feel organized and on top of things. Put together a coping plan step by step so you have a sense of mastery.
  11. Keep an eye on things that might suggest you’re not coping well. For example, are you smoking or drinking more or sleeping less?
  12. Keep a list of the large and little hassles in your day versus the major stressful events in your life; this helps you focus on the fact that you’re keeping track of and managing those as well as you can.
  13. Set aside a time every day to work on relaxation.
  14. Avoid caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, junk food, binge eating and other drugs.
  15. Say no occasionally.
  16. Get the right amount of sleep. For most people, this is seven to 10 hours a night.
  17. Cultivate a sense of humor; laugh.
  18. Research has shown that having a close, confiding relationship protects you from many stresses.
  19. Don’t run from your problems! This only makes them worse.
  20. Talk to your family and friends. See if they can help.

Freaked gay's defeating depression method :)

... and some emo...

Tuesday 14 April 2009

What makes people happy?

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony” Gandhi

“Think happy, act happy, be happy” David Baird

The studies tell us some things we really wanted to know! Like, people gardening are, on average, happier than people power boating. And chatting with friends gives more pleasure to most people than watching TV.

Happiness is one of the most interesting things for ordinary people. There are some things that you just can't change, like your genes and the country you grew up in. Yet experts say that your happiness is about half determined by these things.


Many of us think that being rich, able to afford to buy what we want, live in a good house and drive a flash car, would makes us happy. But we'd only be partly right.

People in the more affluent countries are generally happier than those in poorer countries, although there are many variations and anomalies. It is significant that in many of the wealthier countries improving lifestyle has become generally more important than increasing wealth.




health & beauty

Here, the message seems to be much the same as for wealth. If you are really sick, getting well will probably make you happier. But if you are well, or only mildly ill, getting healthier will not increase your happiness much, and worrying about it will have an adverse effect. However, as we age, health becomes more important to happiness, so exercise, not smoking and sensible alcohol use become more important then.


People are generally happier when they are successfully doing something that absorbs them and challenges their skills. Thus, those who have meaningful work are generally happier than those who are stressed from over-work and those who have little to do. In particular, unemployment is one of the greatest causes of low wellbeing.

People doing volunteer work tend to be happier than those in paid work, perhaps because they are more connected to their community, or their work is more fulfilling. And people who are more educated seem to be happier, on the whole, than those who are not.


Happiness is linked to meaningful relationships. Living happily with a partner is one of the breatest sources of wellbeing. People who love, and those who are socially engaged, are happier "The happiest people spend the least time alone". Ideal is "one close relationship and a network of friends". Good relationships act as a buffer to other adverse circumstances such as illness or unemployment.

Married people (and surprisingly, those who have been widowed) tend to be the happiest of all, and those who live alone, especially those who have been divorced or are separated, tend to be the least happy. Children are a mixed blessing in their impact on wellbeing. If our income is sufficient, children do not significantly impact on wellbeing, but if our income is low, or we are a single parent, the stress of raising children increases and wellbeing is reduced.

So, what makes you happy?








Thursday 2 April 2009

Homeless people begging

The problem

How many times have you passed beyond poor, homeless or begging people? How many times have you met in buses singing or playing or just coercing from you money gypsy mother with little child in her arms? Have you ever given them some money?


Living rough or being homeless as it is known, has become ‘common’ thing, if you live in a busy town you will walk past homeless people quite a lot, if you live in a quieter area then it might not be a problem.

Any reasons?

There are many reasons why people get homeless. The most common is alcohol then drugs, some private problems with a partner/husband/wife and deep depression related with getting the sack. Everyone have bad experiences, everyone sometimes is woeful but is it a reason to become out of society? There are many institutions that help people in shaking themselves together. The problem is that they don’t want to accept the help because it is easier to sit on a street and imitate ‘poor and powerless’ and without doing anything get money to live on.

There is always demand for jobs that others do not want, it’s not easy but with some sort of effort it’s not hard to get a job and get your life back on track, the thing that annoys me is you never see a homeless person making any effort to do this.

From '5 News' Homeless people who won't work for food

look: http://www.beggingonline.com/

To give or not to give
The question that always hits me when walking past a ‘homeless’ person - should I give them money? My personal answer is that I have never given any homeless person any money. Few times I was asked if I had some money for food. So, I have gone to a grocery and bought some bread and sausage, but I haven’t seen what happened with that food. However it is better than giving money which they probably spend on cigarettes, booze or drugs. I also don’t want to give my cash to mafia – you are wrong if you think that these little gypsy children will have better life – 80% of your 5PLN will get mafia and won’t change anyone’s life.



The problem might be solved by charities and people that have some smart and well considered ideas to help homeless and begging people by giving them chance to change their lives, not money. Our polish ‘CARITAS’ help in such way. Their motto sounds: ‘www.bezdomni.pl is our only one address’. If you want to help, you can find there information about number of bank account.

I hope that this problem is sorted out because it is a growing problem especially with the rise of taxes and the general inflation of house prices, it is now becoming harder for people to keep a place, I hope this problem is solved or starts to clear up very soon.
